s h e d

we are structural and civil engineering designers based in newcastle upon tyne. our work embraces the exploration of engineering possibility to provide our clients with the best solution, from the exotic and complex to the simple and elegant, from large scale infrastructure to detailing intersections of structural elements.

about us

our founding principle is that engineers are designers, creative and inspiring. collectively we deliver bespoke solutions for our clients from 3 dimensional double curvature structures to bespoke rigid frames. our team are experts in applying structural behaviour and typology to geometric forms, optimising forms and language. we work closely with architects and artists to deliver bespoke high quality engineering design by applying our creative ingenuity to each and every project we work on. we work as a studio exploring solutions both virtually and physically, each project team selected to suit the project. our team has experience on projects from small bespoke temporary structures (examples include pavilions and artwork) to olympic master planning. we use our shared knowledge to influence our macro and micro solutions but this is never our starting point, that is always the individuality of the project and a blank sheet of paper.

our team

our foremost aim is to deliver high quality engineering design. to achieve this you have to have a high quality team, a mix of creativity, experience and technical expertise. collectively we have succesfully delivered a large variety of projects in terms of creativity, structural typology, shape and size. these range from sculptures and large scale art works to bespoke shelters to stadia, always collaborating closely with architects and artists. collectively we are experts in complex geometry and form finding, using form, force flow, biomimimcry and technology to influence design and create a unique end product.

structural congruity

the dragonfly wing is unmatched in its structural performance and exquisite formal variation. the evolution of the wing is the result of multiple patterning systems interweaving in response to various form flows and material properties. the wing design consists of both honeycomb patterns which are flexible and which exhibit membrane behaviour and ladder type which are stiff and exhibit beam like behaviour. although the wings appear to have random variations of quadrangular and polygonal patterns, the wings are able to absorb and endure inertial forces imposed on them by their surrounding air, caused by their ability to rapidly accelerate and decellerate their own weight. our approach to engineering design is as flexible as a dragonfly wing, no more design than is needed and perfectly crafted for each unique need.

fibonacci sequence

using mathematical sequences often creates ideal organic structural solutions. the approach can result in striking forms and structural biomimicry. we are specialists in applying structural behaviour and typology to geometric forms, optimising form and language.


specialist structural typologies like diagrids are often misconstrued as expensive solutions. through our close work with specialist fabricators and contractors we have proven that with the correct application complex geometries provide more cost effective and exciting structures.


our team has demonstrated considerable skill and sensitivity in working with historic structures, from Grade I listed monuments to blending 21st century additions into earlier classics.


some of the most challenging projects involve acoustics and vibration. delivering succesful projects within this sphere only comes from an intuitive understanding of the parameters and the potential that they can yield


the purest structural form, with nowhere to hide.


working in a coastal environment can be a canvas of opportunity to use different materials in unique settings.


designing for infrastructure demands attention to the micro and macro scales. we use this in our design process from masterplanning to flood risk assessment.


we operate wholly in a BIM environment and are a multi-award winning BIM practice.

pen or mouse?

the communication of our ideas is critical to our success.
